the vercel hookup
I've hooked up a handful of projects to Vercel and each time I forget how I did it the last time so this is for future me. First, do you have your code on Github? If so, fantastic. If not, do that now. Then head over to Vercel. - Login to...2024-04-16
what about that book app idea? (doc in progress)
I randomly started a toy project using React, TypeScript and Jest a couple of years ago just to kinda practice using TypeScript outside of work. The plan was to elaborate on it, but I ended up never pushing it up to Github and thought I los...2024-02-26
One of my first contributions to a project (that wasn't some team of people I had met prior) was FCC (FreeCodeCamp) with a couple of random ones for my first Hacktober. I've been wanting to contribute again and after doing a React refresher...2024-02-12
testing - vitest
Testing. Testing is not only a good way to make sure your code does what you expect (and alerts you when something goes wrong), but works as documentation as well. So, how do we test stuff? Well, there are plenty of testing frameworks, I'v...2024-02-11
redux - rtk
What is Redux? Redux is a library used for state management. It can be used with React or any other view library. With that said, [Redux Toolkit](https://redux-toolkit.js.org/) (RTK) is the official recommended approach for writing Redux l...2024-02-10
typescript migration
I spent some time using TS (TypeScript) on project, even experienced the pains of migrating files, but I can't argue once it all leveled out I could see the usefulness of it all. So, what is it exactly? TS adds static checker to code. Mean...2024-02-09
performance - low priority re-rendering
In a scenario where an app has alot of different information, like feed of some sort, and you decide to interact with a side panel of other information, if the feed was in progress of a render it could cause things to slow down because now ...2024-02-08
performance - code splitting
React is ~40KB as-is, doesn't sound too bad, but when it comes to initial page load it may be, especially adding third-party libraries into the mix as you go along. Wondering how big something is? Check out [Bundlephobia](https://bundleph...2024-02-08
performance - ssr
Nobody wants to serve a 💩 site, therefore having something lean and fast as possible is something we should all have in mind. With that said, we want to make sure we are loading what needs to be seen so that as the rest is coming in it is ...2024-02-07
tailwind sprinkles
Tailwind works by scanning all files (HTML/JS components/etc) and generates corresponding styles into a static CSS file. There are various ways to incporporate CSS; stylized components, emotion, etc. While these tend to be tied to React, Ta...2024-02-06
got hooks?
Hooks, some I've seen and used while others not so much. # useRef A particular use case for this is when one needs to interact directly with the actual DOM (not react's). Previously, this hook was used for a modal where I needed to target ...2024-01-30
react refresher
The following are notes from a refresher on React. The examples are mostly snippets of full components, so there's def stuff missing. However, this was meant as a way to write out what stood out post completion to help solidify things 'refr...2023-09-18
terminal, vim, ohmyzsh
I always find it so fascinating when I see people really go at it with their terminal, remembering all these commands and such... I've come to remember a few over time (due to repeated use), but nothing close to what I've seen from others....2023-09-14
layoff prep
Well, it has been quite some time since I've added a new installment on here... although not for lack of content (the amount of notes I have accumulated is... _/sigh_ lol alot). Anyways, considering I have been given the boot recently (alon...2019-05-01
Hello Linux
During a recent trip I snagged a T410(see: a gift from a kind being) with Ubuntu on it. During the trip I did some minor customizing like oh-my-zsh and Sublime. Made sure Java ran-- I'm still going through Head First Java (was trying to kee...2019-04-27
Feeling Sublime
It seems there are [insert w.e number here] different editors floating around... I've dabbled with a few... I dig Sublime. Came across some nice time savers... In an `html` file: - typing `html` followed by `tab` will auto complete the ba...2019-03-30
Head First Java
These random notes deserve their own post taken _post_ previous... post? _Annnnnnd how many times can I use 'post' in this sentence?_ Sections below were moved from [Code Test In... Java?](https://rebelcl0ud.github.io/blog/java/junit/2019/0...2019-03-19
Design Patterns
Since turning in a Java code challenge (mentioned in a previous post) I've been familiarizing myself with design patterns. I realized they kept coming up while reading up on Java-- there's been a few blogs and YouTube channels that have bee...2019-03-17
I had my first legit pairing yesterday. It is definitely something to get used to... I was a bit flusterred to say the least. And I totally made an outline to write about my whole experience, but this isn't about that, but about something m...2019-02-14
Code Test In... Java?
So I get an opportunity to do a code test for a company that peaked my interest, but the catch is since I'm self-taught I have to do it in Java. They threw out a few reasons for this, one being it will show how well I pick up a language I h...2019-02-02
Hosting React on Namecheap
First things first... yes, you can host React on something like Netlify instead of Namecheap. Yes, they are simple/straightforward to setup up and yes they are awesome, but you know sometimes people just want to know how to do it on somethi...2019-01-31
Wanted to put together my own type of starter files; gulp, scss -> css, css minified, webpack, babel... new to this so I wanted to try and document my flight down the rabbit hole :D # starter basics - make your folder and `cd` into it. - ...2018-11-11
Some things I've come across while on my JS Algorithms and Data Structures kick on FCC: Although I've come across the following before I haven't put some into much use sooo let the jot down commence! # Data Structure and OOP thingsss: ##...2018-10-03
What Is... II
This 'What is...' post comes post phone intro/screen/meet I had earlier today with an edu startup. When asked the following questions, although familiar with general gist, I didn't go too much further in detail. Not sure if this ended up hu...2018-09-13
Create React App w/o create-react-app
I attempted to create a React app without using create-react-app; I got it working, sorta, working backwards using an app created using create-react-app. But, I found another snazzy video by Tyler on YouTube covering the topic so what foll...2018-08-08
React Gnome Notes
The inner struggle of whether to jump on Angular, Vue or React has finally ceased. React won and now that I'm playing with it, I get it. It's definitely cool. As I made my way through the [docs](https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.htm...2018-07-12
Node Gnome Travels
There is this app I've been wanting to incorporate Node into, I don't have much practice with Node so I'm going to document my quest on getting a newsletter set up. I figure it will help me get a little more confident with Node and help me ...2018-07-06
[FCC](https://www.freecodecamp.org/) has leveled up on topics, accessibility being one of them. It's something that I've been interested in for some time so I jumped on it and made this post after finishing the section. Looking forward to p...2018-06-23
Heroku Stack Upgrade
Was sent an email to upgrade my Heroku stack to Heroku-16 from Cedars-14(deprecated), `heroku apps:info` shows you what stack you're on. In [Heroku Article - Upgrading to Latest Stack](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/upgrading-to-the-...2018-06-23
Undoing Hard Reset, Git
After I pushed something up to Github and Heroku, I realized, I did not actually want to do that (_oops_). _How to revert back to a previous state?_ I couldn't remember so I checked out my [Git It Done](https://rebelcl0ud.github.io/blog/gi...2018-06-15
What is...
Note: While starting to get familar with JavaScript, fiddling with APIs were one of my first set of projects and I believe it was either the first or second where I hit some sort of snag that led me to this thing called CORS. From then on i...2018-05-21
nodeJS & friends; updating
A post I've had floating about-- updating npm/node and all that jazz. ## updating npm [reference: npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node) `npm install npm@latest -g` for mac, needed `sudo` ## updating nodeJS [refe...2018-05-16
ES6 Status - Async + Await Flow Control
asyncronous vs. syncronous: syncronous is when one thing finishes before another while asyncronous can have a task start, then immediately move on whether that initial task finished or not. async + await just pauses for certain info withou...2018-05-14
ES6 Status - Map and Weak Map
Sets are to arrays what map is to objects. Map works similar to sets, but have key and value instead of just values (as with a set). Able to use `.has()` and `.delete()` like with sets, but unlike sets able to use `.get()` to reference ite...2018-05-12
ES6 Status - Proxies
Proxies allow you to override default behavior for many of Object's default operations-- there are a multitude of methods that come as Object default. `const pup = { name: 'enigma', age: 12 };` if I wanted to return something other than '...2018-05-12
ES6 Status - Sets and Weak Sets
A set is like a unique array-- no copies of items, no accessing individual items and not index-based. Set, a list of items able to add to, remove from and loop over. I. creating a new set: `const dogs = new Set();` adding to set: `dogs.add...2018-05-10
ES6 Status - Generators
generator functions offer multiple type returns using yield. Note: the \* can be put after function or before function name. ``` function* listDogs() { yield 'scrappy'; yield 'enigma'; yield 'sam'; } const dogs = listDogs(); ``` ...2018-05-06
ES6 Status - Classes
Prototypal Inheritance ``` function Dog(name, breed) { this.name = name; this.breed = breed; } const scrappy = new Dog('Scrappy', 'mix') ``` Note: Dog is capitilized because it is a constructor. _What is protypal inheritance?_ When...2018-04-30
ES6 Status - Tooling
Resources: - [systemjs](https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs) - [browser-sync](https://www.browsersync.io/docs/) webpack not only way to bundle up js/ es6 modules-- browserfy, rollup, systemjs SystemJS works with jspm, a package manager...2018-04-27
Heroku Woes
During my quest on upping my JavaScript game I began updating projects to use ES6. I don't recall having an issue pushing other projects to heroku after updating, but for some reason this time I did. Before the error happened, possibly coi...2018-04-26
ES6 Status - JS modules and npm
### JavaScript Modules & Webpack Tool Setup [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/) Modules are pretty rad-- a file made up of functions and such capable of being used across files/ applications. Ex: ``` import slug from 'slug'; import { uniq, ...2018-04-15
ES6 Status - ESLint
Docs: [ESLint](https://eslint.org/) So, to use this I need to check for `node -v` and `npm -v`-- make sure they are current and all that jazz. `npm install -g eslint` to install ESLint globally. Check version with `eslint --version` ###...2018-04-14
ES6 Status - Symbols
7th primitive type added to JS, original 6: Number, String, Boolean, Object, null, undefined. 7th is Symbol. Symbols are unique identifiers, help avoid naming collisions. Good time to use Symbols is when creating unique properties. `const...2018-04-12
ES6 Status - Promises
### promises Promises are often used when fetching data from APIs, AJAX and such. `.fetch()` is similar to `$.ajax()` and `$.getJSON`, however it is not loaded from some type of external library. Instead, is built-in/available in-browser ...2018-04-02
ES6 Status - Destructuring
### destructuring objects Can extract data from arrays, objects, maps and sets. This I actually found pretty cool. There have been a few instances I have broken down things into multiple parts, writing extra... until... ``` let quote = i...2018-04-02
ES6 Status - Iterables & Looping Carousel
### iterables & looping `const dogs = ['beagle', 'dalmation', 'golden retriever', 'pug', 'labrador'];` The classic `for loop` The following type of for loop became the main one used, but only after getting some used to. Although, it does ...2018-04-02
ES6 Status - Arrays & Stufffffff
### array stufffffff `.from()` & `.of()` are not part of the prototype. Creating an array `const ages = [13, 15, 21, 32, 35];` and `console.log`-ing `ages.from()` or `ages.of()` would result in a `TypeError: ages.from is not a function` er...2018-04-02
ES6 Status - YingYang Spread & Rest
### ...spread & ...rest Using a `.concat()` to combine two arrays makes sense, but this `...spread` is too sweet not to prefer. `.concat()` ``` const featured = ['Deep Dish', 'Pepperoni', 'Hawaiian']; const specialty = ['Meatzza', 'Spicy...2018-04-02
ES6 Status - Object Literal 1UPs
### object literal upgrades If property name and variable setting it to are the same, they don't need to be written twice: ``` const name = 'enigma'; const age = 12; const breed = 'lab mix'; // this const dog = { name: name, age: age...2018-03-30
Heroku: Monitor Dyno Hours
How to check dyno [hours] usage: - Sign into your Heroku account - Go to Account Settings - Go to Billing tab - Scroll down to section containing list of apps and their hour usage Determine free dyno hours using Heroku CLI: Run `heroku p...2018-03-20
ES6 Status - Yellow Brick Road
This is me yellow brick road-ing… to better grasp JS/ES6 Note: I started with Kyle Simpson's [YDKJS](https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS) books, the following references Wes Bos's [ES6](https://es6.io/) videos. Excellent combo, imo....2018-03-20
ES6 Status - Arrow Function Sauce
## arrow functions concise, impicit returns (allowing one-liners), doesn't rebind value of `this` when using arrow function within other function. `const kids = ['bandit', 'flavor', 'scrappy'];` original, non-arrow function: ``` const w...2018-03-20
ES6 Status - Template Strings & String Upgrades
### template strings Or template literals... At its most basic, using backticks are for template type strings Other forms used are with double/single quotes which is cool and all, but how great are template strings though? Pretty great. ...2018-03-12
Angular PlayTest
My focus has pretty much stayed within the vanilla realm, but I've been wanting to try out some JS frameworks to get a little bit of a feel for them. I did try Ember during Code School's free weekend. Unfortunately, I did come across that ...2018-02-06
What is BEM? BEM stands for Block, Element, Modifier which is a naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. BLOCK: parent items, describes purpose. _What is it?_ It shouldn't influence environment. ELEMENT: child items that can be plac...2018-01-27
Updating Past Projects 2
So, I decided to not combine all edits into one post-- it would have become unnecessarily long. Instead, adding numbers at the end, but using the same title to keep them somewhat grouped. On the previous post I covered my update on my quot...2018-01-22
Updating Past Projects 1
I've had a a todo list of sorts regarding past projects. My main focus was on functionality so styling was always something I wanted to revisit. I haven't decided on whether I will combine all edits on this post or give each project it's i...2018-01-15
Changing Prominent Language On Github
`*.rb linguist-language=Javascript` in `.gitattributes` will do a language override on Github. [Note: adjust code to your particular proj] Why do I know this? Or, better yet _why would I want to know this?_ Well, using Rails for its [ENV]...2018-01-12
Jekyll Serve Woes
I have a list of drafts waiting for me. I don't post often which means I tend to forget about `jekyll serve` and friends. `/' not found` came up (with a few variations) as I tried to get my site to load. Turns out what I needed was `jekyl...2018-01-11
Facepalm Chronicles Ep.01
Permission Denied /facepalm While working on a site I realized some time had passed and I hadn't committed changes to Github (don't do this-- save often). So, I went ahead and got that going, but ended up getting something like this... `P...2017-10-24
Setting Up Repo
The following was initially part of the 'Rails Project Checklist of Sorts' post. Figured having a dedicated post would make it easier to find, especially if not working w/ rails, not to mention convenient :) # SETTING UP REPO SETUP GIT `...2017-10-23
This project was initially setup in rails... _the thing is_ I started learning with rails and once I shifted into learning Javascript I kept setting it up mainly for practice (didn't want to completely forget things) and to make use of `ENV...2017-07-30
Missing: Font-Awesome Icons
I've had this issue twice. Thankfully I wrote it down the first time it happened and figured since it happened a second time I should post it for future reference. At first I went through the whole generating a link thing (which I've done ...2017-06-19
Git It Done
The amount of times I look these up... I have screenshots saved, I have notes... Yea, I'll be adding to this list. Until then... # Switching Branches `$ git checkout -b branch-name-here` _switches to new branch 'branch-name-here'_ ...2017-06-18
Rails Project Checklist of Sorts
The following was typed up a bit back during one of my projects-- I did clean it up some, because my initial "jot down" was as I went and well, good thing it wasn't on paper. Disclaimer: This could probably use more of an edit, but unti...2017-06-10
Git & Jekyll
Jekyll is up and running locally on your machine-- writing posts and/or making it all pretty, but if it's not up on Github already you should probably get on that. _In general, pushing code to Github is a good idea._ SETUP GIT (this preps ...2017-06-10
Some Terminal Stuff
_I forget stuff--_ `control + C` : To kill whatever is running `up arrow key` : For last command `control + A` : To get to the beginning of the line `control + E` : To jump to the end of the line `control + L` : To clear terminal/scree...2017-06-02
Customizing Jekyll
I know there are gems/ themes up for snag on the Internet which probably would have been way quicker, but all I wanted was some minor tweaks. I managed to make a few changes, but when I restarted the server... everything reverted. O_O <-- m...2017-06-01